Carole J. Bufford
May 25 at 9:30 pm
Beach Cafe
1326 2nd Ave., NYC
“There’s no doubt that Carole J. Bufford is a bona-fide Red Hot Mama. Bufford belts ’em with style, infusing her favored blues arrangements with sassy power.
” — Cabaret Scenes
“[T]he Great Sophie Tucker was not, in fact, the last of the Red Hot Mamas. That title can now be claimed by the young Ms.
Carole Bufford.” — The Wall Street Journal
“If an award for ‘most likely to succeed’ was up for grabs among the younger generation of New York cabaret performers, Carole J. Bufford would be high on the list of contenders. A doll-faced latter-day flapper with a broad sense of humor, Ms. Bufford radiates the unflappable (excuse the pun) confidence of a woman comfortable exerting power.” — The New York Times