Established in 1995, Cabaret Scenes magazine is the only print publication in the world that focuses on the excitement of cabaret — its songs, its performers, its songwriters, and the clubs in which the magic happens. Cabaret Scenes and its website are increasingly crucial to the art form, its careerists, and its audiences as other print media reduce their attention to cabaret or eliminate it entirely.
Published bi-monthly, each issue includes articles on the movers and shakers in cabaret, reviews of live performances and CDs, news of what’s happening on the cabaret scene, and listings of upcoming shows. In addition, our website features extended cabaret reviews, up-to-the-minute news items, photos spreads of special events, and The Cabaret Scenes Hall of Fame to which those who have made an impact on cabaret are inducted.
Because we love both the music and the exhilaration of live performances. We do it because we want those who, like us — like you — appreciate the unique pleasure of cabaret shows and want to know more about the art and the artists they cherish. We do it because we believe there are multitudes of others to reach and introduce to cabaret so they also experience the pleasure of that special relationship, the music, the charm of the performance and the warmth of the venues.
Cabaret Scenes magazine is a publication of the AMERICAN SONGBOOK ASSOCIATION INC., a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) organization incorporated in the State of New York.Become a supporter with your tax-deductible donation to the American Songbook Association Inc. ASA receives no government or corporate support, depending on contributions from cabaret enthusiasts like you.
A donation of $65 ($75 foreign) or more include six personal copies of the magazine delivered to your door. All donations, no matter how modest, help us in our work. They return to the donors the satisfaction of knowing that each contribution aids the foundation’s tireless reporting on and publicizing this truly unique, intimate, and vibrant realm of live entertainment, those who pursue it as a career, and the venues in which they share their talents.
If you wish to donate by check, please make it payable to AMERICAN SONGBOOK ASSOCIATION INC. and mail to:
Americans Songbook Association Inc.
PO Box 1594
Cathedral Station
New York, NY 10025-1594
AMERICAN SONGBOOK ASSOCIATION INC. is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) corporation incorporated in the State of New York. It is an arts and educational organization dedicated to stimulating and promoting public interest in The Great American Songbook, its composers, lyricists, singers, musical directors, arrangers, venues — and The New American Songbook’s performers, composers and lyricists. AMERICAN SONGBOOK ASSOCIATION INC.focuses on the historical development of Cabaret, fostering an awareness and appreciation of its impact on our culture by collecting, preserving, exhibiting and interpreting an archive for a global audience. We honor those who have made outstanding contributions to Cabaret, The Great American Songbook and The New American Songbook, including Musical Theater and Jazz vocalists.
Become a donor with a tax-deductible contribution to AMERICAN SONGBOOK ASSOCIATION INC. You will receive six issues of Cabaret Scenes magazine and the satisfaction of knowing that your contribution helps to support the AMERICAN SONGBOOK ASSOCIATION INC.’s tireless nurturing of this intimate, unique and vibrant aspect of live entertainment and those who pursue it as a career.