Everybody Rise! – A Resistance Cabaret
Birdland, NYC, April 1, 2019
Reviewed by Peter Haas for Cabaret Scenes

Photo: Kevin Alvey
One of the funniest, most original shows to appear in New York cabaret, the merry satirical review, Everybody Rise!: A Resistance Cabaret, played a one-nighter at Birdland, propelled by classic show tunes re-fitted with new lyrics that poke fun at today’s politics, the people behind them, and, in particular, the man in the White House.
Written by Hollywood producer/writer/lyricist/Emmy winner Joe Keenan, and originating on the West Coast, the Birdland show featured a half-dozen New York performers switching characters and wigs as they weaved on and off the stage.
The cast: Richard Kind as The President, with Liz Callaway, Taylor Crousore, Kristine Mengelkoch, Brad Oscar, Christine Pedi, and Chip Zien, all taking their turns on solos and ensemble numbers.
Think “Why Can’t He Behave?” and “Always True to the Country in My Fashion,” sung by Kind as Trump; “Rudy Guiliani” to the tune of “Gary, Indiana” by Zien; ”Popular” by Mengelkoch as Ivanka (in a long blonde wig); “Michael Cohen” to the tune of “Good Thing Going” by Kind; “You Can’t Save a School with a Gun!” by Callaway; “The Ballad of Kellyanne Conway” (“The Demon Barbie of Trump World”); the cast doing ”Omarosa!
” (to the tune of “Oklahoma!
”); “Click!” (to the tune of “Zip!”) sung by Pedi as Rachel Maddow; “Donald Does Follies” to “I’m Still Here,” sung by the company—and more. Shepherding them as pianist was the hard-working Matthew Martin Ward.
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Everybody Rise!—saluted at its conclusion with the audience’s stand-up cheers—deserves a return engagement.
If so, everybody rise, reserve, and “walk a little faster” to Birdland for a hilarious evening.