Amy Lechelt-Basta: Marilyn Uncovered
Lechect-Basta does capture Monroe’s sexy charm.
Ruth Fuerst: Carousel of Time
Ruth Fuerst shares reflections on her 50-year marriage through songs and quite personal stories.
Denise Tomasello
When you feel a yen for the nightclub experience, find out where Tomasello is appearing.
Russell Goeltenbodt and Friends: Oy to the World
Goeltenbodt and Moreen found an effective balance of comedy, ballad and swing.
Ruth Fuerst: Wake Up and Dream
She is a warm communicator with a big, genuine smile.
Chicago Cabaret Professionals Musical Mondays
Chicago Cabaret Professionals Musical Mondays
Chicago News: May/June 2015
Hilary Ann Feldman salutes Carol…
Chicago News: March/April 2015
As part of its Musical Mondays series, The Chicago Cabaret Professionals bring The British Are Coming to Broadway to the Victory Gardens Theater.