Peter Leavy’s 95th Birthday – The Complete Video

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Happy 95th Birthday Peter Leavy!!!

Laurie Beechman Theatre, NYC, February 25, 2024

Video by Michael Stever


Here is the complete video of the Cabaret Scenes/American Songbook Association celebration of Peter Leavy’s 95th birthday held on Sunday, February 24, 2024 at NYC’s Laurie Beechman Theatre. Carolyn Montgomery was the announcer and also one of the performers. The other performers, all hand picked by Peter, were SCOTT BARBARINO, AARON LEE BATTLE, ERIC COMSTOCK, FRANK DAIN (accompanied by KATHLEEN LANDIS), JAMIE deROY (accompanied by RON ABEL), NATALIE DOUGLAS, BARBARA FASANO, ERIC MICHAEL GILLETT, JEFF HARNAR, LINA KOUTRAKOS, SIDNEY MYER, CRAIG POMRANZ (accompanied by MICHAEL ROBERTS), RICKY RITZEL, STEVE ROSS, CRAIG RUBANO (accompanied by BETH ERTZ), WARREN SCHEIN, RICHARD SKIPPER, and LENNIE WATTS. YASUHIKO FUKUOKA was music director.