America’s Sweethearts: History through Harmony

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America’s Sweethearts

History through Harmony

The Green Room 42, NYC, April 27, 2019

Reviewed by Chris Struck for Cabaret Scenes

Americas Sweethearts

There are so many great performers and wonderful shows on and off Broadway in NYC that it can be hard to pick where to go on any given night with so much cultural exploration available. Let me make it easier for you. If you like American Songbook standards and are looking for a classy, old-fashioned show without any outlandish gimmicks, America’s Sweethearts are for you.
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They’re a value-oriented trio of women based in New York—Carly Kincannon, Traci Blair, and Grace Wall—who trade leads and offer medleys with well-timed choreography in their look back at musical history.
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One of my favorite moments was their version of “It’s My Party (and I’ll Cry if I Want To)” (Walter Gold/ John Gluck, Jr./Herb Weiner/Seymour Gottlieb) made famous by Lesley Gore. The trio were detailed in their execution, creating a fun atmosphere despite the “sad” lyrics. A positive aspect of the America’s Sweethearts’ show was that they made atypical song choices in their deep-dive into musical history, which sets them apart from other self-indulgent shows. For example, they presented a medley that was a tribute to the Armed Forces that could be played before every home football game at “name that University.”

They offered a sharp, no-nonsense set that catered to an overlooked, older demographic. They also performed a simply wonderful version of “Danny Boy” (Frederic Weatherly) and even included a masterful “Battle Hymn of the Republic” (Julia Ward Howe).

Their three-part harmonies had a magical clarity to their and they entranced an appreciative audience, but each singer had strong solo moments as well. This trio deserves to be seen. Their fans has a chance each month to do so at The Green Room 42. Drummer/band leader Zack Eldridge produced a consistent beat to support the group, alongside Chris Bonner (bass), Geoff Countryman (sax), and Justin Salsbury (piano).

Chris Struck

Chris Struck's debut novel, Kennig and Gold, is due to be officially published in June 2019. He's written reviews for Cabaret Scenes since August of 2017. For more information about the writer, see