David M. Stephens
The Times of My Life
Davenport’s, Chicago, IL, March 24, 2019
Reviewed by Carla Gordon for Cabaret Scenes

David Stephens’ engaging personality warmed his Davenport’s audience in The Times of My Life. The show tells, through stories and songs, of his odyssey from New York City to Chicago. It’s a personal story. He’s also a magician, and he began the show with two magic-related songs, “Magic to Do” from Pippin, and the lesser-known, lovely “It’s Magic” by Tim Bays and David Allen, about savoring the mystery of life’s magic. His slight-of-hand magic trick further set the tone. He presented songs ranging from Broadway to mellow R & B. New York City was well saluted in “Arthur’s Theme,” “West End Avenue,” and “Do You Miss New York?” Given Stephens’ new, happy life in Chicago and a Chicago-based audience, a Chicago-centric number might have fit well later in the show. The show was especially engaging in its encore as Stephens asked the audience to sing along in “Can’t Help Myself”/“Sugar Pie Honey Bunch.” As he continues on his cabaret journey, he will need to address certain voice-related issues. Measured breath control should enable him to appropriately extend ending words in lyric lines and maintain cleaner pitches. Pianist Mark Burnell provided excellent musical support, knowing when to give the singer space and when to add impressive jazz riffs.