Chris Goffredo: Rock Star Séance with Delphi

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Chris Goffredo

Rock Star Séance with Delphi

The Duplex, NYC, November 1, 2018

Reviewed by Chris Struck for Cabaret Scenes

Chris Goffredo

A bit of a Halloween theme or an actual séance? We’re not sure. Whether you believe in conjuring up the dead or enjoying them once a year, Chris Goffredo’s rock-star show bid the spirits good will for an evening of popular music from beyond the grave. Spooky? For sure, but beyond that, the charming quality of the show was without a doubt the appearance of many rock songs in a cabaret show—a more rare sighting than a ghost—in a genre that is dominated by jazz and Broadway. From his opening number calling on Jim Morrison with “Break on Through” to coming back to him with “The End,” Goffredo entertained.

It’s certainly hard to pick out which of the songs deserves the most attention, because Goffredo performed a consistent set and the theme evoked a darker undertone.

However, it’s nice to hear some Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, and even David Bowie in the same show. Hendrix’s “Are You Experienced?” seemed the most apt choice of the entire night as Goffredo mentioned before the show that, rather than referring to just physical pleasure, the song could have a more subtle meaning. I’ll certainly never listen to that song the same way again. Goffredo also did an excellent “All Apologies” (Cobain) and “Starman” (Bowie).

His supporting cast (the physical and not the spectral) deserves high praise. Brothers Aaron and Daniel Sion on guitar and bass played sweet licks and solid solos. Max Yasskey had a clean take on the drums and decided he’d evoke the spirit of Keith Moon. (More specifically, he was excellent.) Gavin Rohrer played the piano and sang back-up vocals, adding an enjoyable bit of class to the rock anthems.

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Armando Bravi’s exceptional lights and sound work also helped to create the right atmosphere.

Chris Struck

Chris Struck's debut novel, Kennig and Gold, is due to be officially published in June 2019. He's written reviews for Cabaret Scenes since August of 2017. For more information about the writer, see