Two Tuckers: Tucker Murray and Golden Delicious

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Two Tuckers:
Tucker Murray and Golden Delicious

The Duplex, NYC, March 12, 2018

Reviewed by Chris Struck for Cabaret Scenes

Tucker Murray &
Golden Delicious

The hilarious and saucy duo of Tucker Murray and Golden Delicious set the Duplex crowd on fire with a combination of suggestive lyrics and bawdy jokes. Tucker handled the keys and led/wrote many of the show’s originals, while Golden Delicious, a drag queen with a growing reputation in NYC, strutted the stage and provided plenty of glitz. We knew we were in for a raunchy show when The Tuckers proclaimed, “It’s what my daddy named me/It’s why my daddys love me,” in their self-penned opening number, “Two Tuckers.”

In between Tucker’s songs, Golden Delicious performed a series of lip-synched mixes that featured her exceptional talent for facial expressions that could make for an excellent gag reel. Each of these was pretty good and generally crafty, especially the final salvo, “The Epic Dizzying Disco Medley” (mix by Tucker/Golden Delicious), where Delicious mimed crying on the piano until Tucker re-joined the stage from the audience to dance disco with the talented drag queen. “Good job!” (one of Golden’s Golden Rules for high praise).

On the singer-songwriter side, Tucker convinced the audience of his ability to sing well while dancing his fingers along the piano. One of the best examples of this was his first solo, “Let’s Put It on Loud” (Tucker/Remy Zaken), where his energetic quotes became memorable mantras of “Let’s put it on loud/because I want to get down…meet me on the 9th cloud.”

One of many highlights of the evening, special guest Sean Zuni Green (Hamilton) joined Tucker for the premier performance of their co-written “Sunflowers,” crooning with wonderful depth, “There was a time when I though that I could fly every time I saw your face/’Cause you brought me sunflowers/ ‘Cause you brought me sunshine.”

Look for their epic show’s return to The Duplex on April 9 with singer-songwriter Ariana Gates and Dave Mizzoni, whose bit on March 12 split sides.

These guys were funny. Both Tuckers were especially good and the guest stars were amazing. Definitely worth seeing!!

Chris Struck

Chris Struck's debut novel, Kennig and Gold, is due to be officially published in June 2019. He's written reviews for Cabaret Scenes since August of 2017. For more information about the writer, see