Kinsey Sicks: Things You Shouldn’t Say

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Kinsey Sicks

Things You Shouldn’t Say

Metropolitan Room, NYC, August 19, 2017

Reviewed by Bart Greenberg for Cabaret Scenes

America’s favorite Dragappella beauty shop quartet returns with a new show that mixes the traditional with the unexpected. Deeper, more complex and yet riotously funny, “go[ing] boldly where no Kinsey Sicks show has gone before!” The glamorous Trixie, the uptight Winnie, the spacey Trampolina, and the vulgar Rachel share their songs and stories.

The musical numbers tend to be revised versions of familiar songs, from a medley of television themes from the ‘60s “paying tribute” to the current White House occupants, to a salute to out and loud gay men (“Proud Mary”). Original compositions are mixed in as well.

Much of the humor is political. Much of it is scatological. The production is not for the faint of heart.

The theme of the show is the history of the group. Rachel is the only original cast member, while each of the others joined at some point in the last 15 years. We hear the story of each of the performers as well as the development of their characters.

Rachel provides the most intense background with a harrowing personal tale of the AIDS crisis in San Francisco.

These serious moments don’t stop the same Rachel from dragging a semi-willing victim named Chris onstage to serenade him (and lap dance him) to “Where the Goys Are.
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” Trampolina shares a tale about her dear friend Kellyanne, while Trixie also finds a promising new beau in the audience, until she receives a letter from the Free Clinic and turns “Mamma Mia” into a tribute to gonorrhea.

This show is an expert mixture of over-the-top camp and compelling moments. There are “things you shouldn’t say,” but you shouldn’t miss Kinsey Sicks.

There is one more performance for this run on Tuesday, August 22.

Bart Greenberg

Bart Greenberg first discovered cabaret a few weeks after arriving in New York City by seeing Julie Wilson and William Roy performing Stephen Sondheim and Cole Porter outdoors at Rockefeller Center. It was instant love for both Ms. Wilson and the art form. Some years later, he was given the opportunity to create his own series of cabaret shows while working at Tower Records. "Any Wednesday" was born, a weekly half-hour performance by a singer promoting a new CD release. Ann Hampton Callaway launched the series. When Tower shut down, Bart was lucky to move the program across the street to Barnes & Noble, where it thrived under the generous support of the company. The series received both The MAC Board of Directors Award and The Bistro Award. Some of the performers who took part in "Any Wednesday" include Barbara Fasano and Eric Comstock, Tony Desare, Andrea Marcovicci, Carole Bufford, the Karens, Akers, Mason and Oberlin, and Julie Wilson. Privately, Greenberg is happily married to writer/photographer Mark Wallis, who as a performance artist in his native England gathered a major following as "I Am Cereal Killer."