Russ Goeltenbodt
Let’s Hear It for the Goy
Skokie Theatre, Skokie, IL, November 13, 2014
Reviewed by Carla Gordon for Cabaret Scenes
Fans and friends know Russ Goeltenbodt as a pleasant crooner who frequents Petterino’s Monday Night Live offering easy-listening standards. Let’s Hear It for the Goy represented a sea change for Goeltenbodt as he shared his highly personal story of growing up Catholic in Skokie, the predominantly Jewish suburb of Chicago. He flexed his comic chops dressed as a nun in Tom Lehrer’s “Vatican Rag” and in a “Mame” parody retitled “Guilt,” which explored the various naughty deeds for which virtually all religions expect confession and atonement.
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Audience members had fun joining in on The Sound of Music medley. Goeltenbodt’s presentation of Steven Lutvak’s “The House I Grew Up In” provided tender reflection. “Mama, a Rainbow” from Minnie’s Boys was an emotional homage to Goeltenbodt’s mother, as was his fascinating story about his World War II aviator father being awarded the French Medal of Honor decades after the end of the war. Pairing “Ave Maria” in Latin with “Avinu Malkenu” in an arrangement by David Edefelt was quite moving. Bob Moreen offered excellent musical direction and a well- placed smartass comment or two. Closing with “Let There Be Peace on Earth” was just the right choice to end this engaging show.
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