Remembering Wesla Whitfield
Cabaret Scenes remembers Wesla Whitfield
Cabaret Scenes remembers Wesla Whitfield
Representing both the classy and the classic.
Hello, Dolly! was an unqualified success.
Feinstein’s at the Nikko is transformed into Harmonia Gardens.
Richard Skipper: Cabaret Scenes’ Man About Cabaret
Wesla Whitfield and Mike Greensill...the Bay Area’s prized jewels of sophisticated, elegant interpretations of the Great American Songbook
San Francisco News: May/June 2015
Here's the news for Palm Springs cabaret in March/April 2015.
Society Cabaret met real cabaret royalty in the form of Mike Greensill and Wesla Whitfield.
Wesla Whitfield, premiere interpreter of the Great American Songbook.