My Very Own British Invasion
A fast, fun, breezy kind of show,.
Carole J. Bufford: All By Myself
What she always delivers are fresh examinations, amazing sophistication, and free-wheeling powerhouse fun.
Bay Area Cabaret: A Cabaret Spectacular
An excellent choice of quality performers.
Baby Jane Dexter: It’s Personal
She sang with heartbreaking emotion.
Baby Jane Dexter: It’s Personal: Live at Metropolitan Room
She may be at the peak of her interpretive vision.
Mar. 19 & 20: Baby Jane Dexter
She is better than ever!
Mar. 5: Baby Jane Dexter
Baby Jane Dexter is better than ever, with the same dramatic power and expressiveness.
Baby Jane Dexter: It’s Personal
Baby Jane Dexter is better than ever, with the same dramatic power and expressiveness.