Cheryl Coons, Beckie Menzie, with Bob Mason: Old Friends
A lovely choice for the New Year.
Anthony Santelmo Jr: Songs for the Season
The CD is lively, warm and lovingly put together.
Laura Benanti: Tales from Soprano Isle
Beautiful, imaginative, self-confident and wildly talented.
Laura Benanti: Tales from Soprano Isle
Benanti is a special gift that comes around every once in a blue moon.
Meg Flather: Portraits
Flather brings the depth and presence of a stage actress to her interpretations.
Anita Kallen: When You Least Expect It!
Anita Kallen delivers a musical exploration of the unexpected in When You Least Expect It!
Nov. 28 & 29: Heather Townsend: Davenport’s
Heather Townsend returns to Davenport's.