Melissa Errico: Funny, I’m a Woman with Children!
Errico holds the stage through sheer charm, a willingness to share and the force of personality.
Three for a Song: Cocktails for Three
Cocktails for Three steeped the audience in the atmosphere of the '20s and '30s.
Maxine Linehan: What Would Petula Do?
Maxine Linehan knows how to share happy.
Harvey Granat: The Music of Harold Arlen
If Harold Arlen had written nothing else but the iconic “Over the Rainbow” (with E.Y. "Yip" Harburg), he’d still have been worthy of a place in the pantheon.
Sept. 7: Linda Lavin
Linda Lavin’s singing voice has always been an expressive extension of her speaking voice, probably more so than other singers.
Cheyenne Jackson
His vocal powers were in full force in a program cherry picked from recent tours.
Linda Lavin: Starting Over
Linda Lavin’s singing voice has always been an expressive extension of her speaking voice.