James H. Keene, III
December 23, 1935 – October 17, 2018
James H. Keene, II, founder and long-time chairman of the Brownville Concert Series in Brownville, Nebraska, passed away unexpectedly on October 17, 2018. He will be remembered for his steadfast dedication to bringing cabaret to Brownville.
Memorials are suggested by the family to Opera Omaha or Brownville Concert Series. As Jim would say, “the show must go on!”
KT Sullivan has submitted the following:
Dear Fellow Alums of the Brownville Concert Series,
I spent the intermission on October 12th of The Cabaret Convention in Jim Keene’s front row mezzanine box. He had brought a young Cornell fraternity brother, which was his custom, sharing the joys of The Great American Songbook with missionary zeal.
We spoke of his plans for a Midwest cabaret tour, a sort-of bus & truck production he had conceived years ago and even spoke of with Donald Smith and me over lunch at La Rivista a year before Donald’s passing. He said to me at this last cabaret night he would attend, “All we need is the funding, and I’m about to sell my company, so maybe I’ll do it myself.”
He was always making plans and making possible what seemed impossible to others. Concerts in a former church (moved from Peru, Nebraska) 75 miles south of Omaha and 120 miles from Kansas City for 28 seasons?
He was a dreamer, but his dreams were mated with a good business sense and endless hospitality.
He could whip up a delectable and spontaneous spaghetti, steak, or crab cake post-cabaret supper in The 1868 Muir House across the street from The Brownville Concert Hall, or spend an entire day in his Omaha kitchen between the holidays preparing his annual gumbo feast for a mere 300.
Walking over from her side mezzanine box during the intermission of the Alan Jay Lerner evening at Rose Hall was Jan Chism Wright, a resident of Brownville who had joined The Mabel Mercer Cabaret at Sea cruise last May, and helped Jim in planning the current Brownville season. She also is a gracious host in her historic home by a babbling brook, and also passionate about bringing the best to the Midwest. So, not surprisingly, Jim wisely prepared for a smooth transition to ensure “The Melody Lingers On.”
Always, KT
Editor’s Note:
Read Todd Murray’s article on the Brownville Concert Series: brownville-concert-series-build-it-and-they-will-come/