Nicole Lippey
The Triad, NYC, June 23, 2018
Reviewed by Bart Greenberg for Cabaret Scenes
The ebullient Nicole Lippey presented her work in progress, a one-woman show that serves as a tribute to her family and friends (“my parents obviously raised me, but I grew up with my friends”). A wide range of songs was featured, both because their content reflected on the singer’s experiences and because the works themselves were favorites of some member of her circle.
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Lippey invigorated such standards as “I Feel Pretty” (treated as a song of female empowerment) and “A Whole New World,” while including some lesser-known material such as “Some Things Are Meant to Be” (Jason Howland/Mindi Dickstein from Little Women) and “Broken Hearted Me” (Randy Goodrum). She celebrated her love with a very sweet medley of “I Turned the Corner” and “Lucky to Be Me”
The songs were interwoven with happy memories—“We have such good memories because we made such good memories”—and sincere love for those around her. She also shared an intriguing encounter with a deer.
Lippey knows how to personalize lyrics and how to use her lovely voice for maximum effectiveness. It will be interesting to see where she takes this show as she works to develop it further.
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