Hayley Moir & Jake Alexander: Hayley and Jake: The Past Three Years

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Hayley Moir & Jake Alexander

Hayley & Jake: The Past Three Years

The Duplex, NYC, April 6, 2018

Reviewed by Chris Struck for Cabaret Scenes

Hayley Moir & Jake Alexander

For Hayley Moir and Jake Alexander, the past three years have been an eventful delight, and choosing to share the story of those years with us made for a nice surprise. Two attention-getting performers who met in Boston and carved a path together in New York, shared, in a by no means competitive manner, some laughs, songs, and tear-jerking moments with a few friends and more. Who am I kidding? Of course it had a touch of the competitive spirit to go along with the obvious romantic element. From the Boston College whoops versus the Emerson claps, and for every song after their initial duet, “You Go Down Smooth” (Mike Olson/Lake Street Drive), there was a supportive atmosphere of pushing each other to do their best.

However, if I had to crown a winner, I’d have to go with Moir and, like she so thrillingly said, “Sorry, Not Sorry” (Demi Lovato/Warren Felder/Sean Douglas/ Trevor Brown/William Simmons).

It was a point that Alexander agreed on, too, and Moir’s performance definitely demonstrated that she has a wealth of depth at her voice’s disposal. For the most part, she used that depth well, putting star-crossed emotion into each powerful line, especially when she crooned, “And it’d be nice of me to take it easy on ya, but nah” followed by “Baby, I’m sorry.” The audience replied, “Not Sorry.”

On the other hand, despite the self-deprecation about his high-pitched voice, Alexander did himself plenty of favors by showcasing confidence, poise, and the positive attitude that brought him to the stage with Moir. Beneath it all, he shared there certainly was a layer of inner turmoil, but that her beauty, brains, and belted notes helped him see beyond that underlying feeling and see himself better. He then serenaded with “When I’m with You” by Ben Rector. Due to the lack of actual sheet music, and after Alexander’s attempts to find it were shot down by Rector, music director Michael Meketa arranged the piece.


Certain to be a fun time, and not too snooty to have a little fun, the couple ended with the Whitney Houston classic, “I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me)” (George Merrill/Shannon Rubicam)!

Chris Struck

Chris Struck's debut novel, Kennig and Gold, is due to be officially published in June 2019. He's written reviews for Cabaret Scenes since August of 2017. For more information about the writer, see StruckChris.com