Julie Gold
A Little Knight Music
The Duplex, NYC, February 3, 2018
Reviewed by Chris Struck for Cabaret Scenes

What showcases the success in one’s life better than the longevity of her friendships and the success (including diversity) of her friends? Beats me. Julie Gold, Grammy Award winner in 1991, won her friends and admirers in the audience the easy way: By having an overly developed sense of humor and slipping it in as subtly as a whip crack. Yeah, she was witty from the start, cutting wise with self-deprecating jokes such as one about her jacket (“I have a bullfight right after this show”) and about her pizzazz (“You could’ve all come to my house, but I like to create the illusion of showbiz”).
Gold made it easy to settle into her show and get ready for the magic to begin.
The night started with Martha Mooke, a talented violist who has played with “The Barbra” and “The Bowie”, among others professionally, opening up the lid of the piano to play “The Soul of Gold Knight” with kitchen utensils such as wire brushes and basters on the strings.
Gold followed that eerie instrumental with her own introduction and finished the show with her classic, “From a Distance,” but my favorite line—“See the stars go by/See the search refined/See that I’m finally fine/When I think of her”—came from one of her newer creations, “When I Think of Her.”
An equally impressive lineup followed Gold’s lead, including Brian Cullman, Sarah Gargano, Michael Bacon, Keven Gungor, Juliet Strong, and Steve Addabbo. Each was tasked with sitting for an hour alone in Gold’s apartment with Knight, the piano, to write.
Cullman offered the most introspective thoughts on songwriting, referring to a Rolling Stone article where a pair of songwriters—including Keith Richards—thanked God for giving them “songs from nowhere.” He shared a cute song about love and the moon sighing, “If the moon had arms, it would not be the moon.
Next up and almost as impressive as Gold was young Gargano, whose lines “…think of people who have yet to cross my life” and “I wish I could wander longer” seemed to epitomize what life and time are about. No doubt she’ll enjoy both! Bacon’s song, “How I’m Gonna Fly,” about the difficulty of finding one’s footing, struck a playfully somber note with lines like “How am I gonna sail when everything is missing?
The also youthful Gungor went a cappella for a slightly familiar love song, crooning, “But you wanted distance, you forgot about the rest.” Strong followed with a clinically precise untitled piano piece that dashed a little like a sharp wind between gentler melodies. Addabbo provided a runner-up for best song line of the evening with, “I’m not looking for a lifetime guarantee/It took all these years to figure out what I need.”
The evening felt a little like taking a masterclass in songwriting combined with watching history unfold. Chillingly special. Gold and her magic piano continue to tap into the melodies of life!