Mark Nadler
Let’s Misbehave: A Cole Porter Celebration
Crest Theatre, Delray Beach, FL, April 14, 2017
Reviewed by Jeffrey Bruce for Cabaret Scenes
Wanna see what Heaven is like? Spend 90 minutes with the spectacular Mark Nadler, and you will see what I mean.
Entering in formal attire, wearing a smoking jacket, referring to the martini glass in his hand, he asks the audience, “Where’s yours?” He sets the tone for this elegant, swellegent party from the get-go.
We are informed that every song and word we will hear is pure Cole Porter.
A prodigious pianist (to put it mildly), Nadler accompanies himself on all songs. What was welcome was his background on why and how Porter wrote them.
A singer of major talents with a Broadway belt, what impressed me most was Nadler’s phrasing. While many of the songs were “up,” the highlight was a slow, extremely quiet “In the Still of the Night.” Mesmerizing doesn’t do him justice.
That said, his infectious joy of performing is contagious. He harkened back to the days of Bricktop and the way cabaret used to be and is so sorely missed.
From “Let’s Misbehave” to “Let’s Do It (Let’s Fall in Love)” to a riotous “Brush Up Your Shakespeare” to a rapid fire “Can-Can” (with him doing kicks from the piano bench while playing!), I cannot remember having more fun than last night.
A ringer in personality, charm, and wit for Noël Coward, I have no idea if he is planning a tribute to Sir Noël, but I can dream, can’t I?