Feb. 10: The EnGAYgement

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The EnGAYgement

February 10 @ 7:00 pm

Metropolitan Room
34 W. 22nd St., NYC

The-Engaygement-Cabaret-Scenes-Magazine_212The Engaygement is an original musical adventure through the joys and tribulations of two men in New York City; the thrall of the first date, the bliss and the challenges of domestic partnership, and the victories of marriage. With music and lyrics by David Auxier-Loyola and musical arrangements by Mark York, you will take delight in the storytelling, both poignant and hilarious, through a wealth of classic musical theater style with a modern sensibility.

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Featuring: Seph Stanek, Chris-Ian Sanchez, Eliott Mattox, Jason Whitfield and Colleen Harris