Tommy Tune
December 31 – January 9
The Royal Room in the Colony Hotel
155 Hammon Ave, Palm Beach, FL
Back by Popular Demand! A 10-time winner of Broadway’s prestigious Tony Award, Tommy Tune is widely recognized as one of the world’s most prolific director/choreographers, who has enchanted audiences over the past 50 years with his charisma, vision and innovation.
Here’s Jeffrey Bruce’s review of Tommy’s last show at the Royal Room:
The gorgeous Royal Room at The Colony Hotel welcomed the equally gorgeous Tommy Tune for a return engagement that continues through April 11th. The man is “gobsmacking” (in his own words): He is 76 and looks 30, dances (dare I say “still”?) like a dream, and has the ability to charm you like you’ve never been charmed before. The title of his show is Taps, Tunes and Tall Tales — and is it ever.
A Houstonian, he is still, inside, the Texan kid who wanted to go to New York and be a chorus boy. From Seesaw, to My One and Only, to the winning of 9 Tony Awards, Tune enchants us with stories of his love affairs, theater tales, and just enough inside dish to make even the less-savvy guest laughing and involved.
Songs from Bye Bye Birdie, Knickerbocker Holiday, Lady, Be Good!, as well as a plethora of songs from his résumé, have the desired hypnotic effect. A subtle, quiet “Up on the Roof,” the Drifters’ original hit, sung on a ladder overlooking the audience, was a personal favorite.
It’s unbelievable what the tall tapper does on a thimble-sized stage, but hey…. they make ’em big in Texas, especially when it comes to talent. Don’t miss him!