Gretchen Reinhagen
How ‘Bout Them Apples?!
November 5 at 7:00 pm
Metropolitan Room
34 W. 22nd St., NYC
Here’s Barbara Leavy’s review of an earlier performance of this show:
There are times when a cabaret performer delivers exactly what is needed if a member of the audience is seeking a good time, a respite from “Stormy Monday,” “[Here’s] That Rainy Day,” and the “Blizzard of Lies” our politicians, media, and even would-be friends surround us with. Gretchen Reinhagen is aware of these down moments, for the song titles just quoted identify numbers from her show How ‘Bout Them Apples?!. Nevertheless, she delivers an upbeat show, affirming with her opening number that, whatever happens, the world continues to go round and concluding, with her last, “What a Wonderful World” it is.
Gretchen must possess one of the most appealing personalities in cabaret, her winning smile establishing a bond with her audience that draws them into an intimacy based on humor and good will rather than intense emotions.
Not that she cannot sing warm and moving songs with her lovely voice, such as “What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?
.” She can also belt out jazz arrangements and switch into a blues mode.
But much of her material is humorous or zany, and the patter is rather free-wheeling (it could use more focus). Gretchen is not aiming at high art and what she does, she does very well.
Her show is fun.