For the first time in our 20-year history, we have TWO covers for one issue
with the same great content in both.
Bart from the Heart Verse 2:
Celebrating 100 Years of Bart Howard
This Is Your Night! David Friedman June 15, 2015
This Is Your Night! Stu Hamstra July 7, 2015
CabaretFest! June 4-7, 2015
10 Years of Cabaret Cares
Gabrielle Stravelli Out of This World by Elizabeth Ahlfors
Gary Williams No Cabaret Secret by Helen Theophanous
Julie Budd The Real Deal by Pamela S.K. Glasner
The Cabaret Hall of Fame Billie Holiday by Melody Breyer-Grell
The Cabaret Hall of Fame Edith Piaf by Elizabeth Ahlfors
New York, Boston, Chicago, Las Vegas, Los Angeles
Palm Springs, Pennsylvania/New Jersey/Delaware
San Francisco, Washington DC/Maryland/Virginia, Inter/National
Carole J. Bufford, Joan Curto, Kristoffer Lowe, Christine Pedi, John Pizzarelli
Foundation Donors
Scene Makers
Cabaret Listings
Cabaret Reviews
New York City
54 Sings 1776, 54 Sings Irving Berlin, Mary Bogue,
Broadway by the Year, Broadway Unplugged, Betty Buckley,
Ann Hampton Callaway, The Cast of Phantom, Eric Comstock & Barbara Fasano,
Tom Culver, Tony Danza, Daryl Glenn, Cheyenne Jackson, Jazz in July,
Barb Jungr, Stacey Kent, Nicolas King, Linda Lavin, Lyrics & Lyricists,
Richard Malavet, Sue Matsuki & Edd Clark,
Melba Moore, Marissa Mulder, Karen Oberlin, John Pizzarelli, Craig Pomranz,
Molly Pope, Robin’s Nest, Wendy A. Russell, KT Sullivan & Jeff Harnar
Cathy Glickman,
Rick Jensen & Lina Koutrakos & Amanda McBroom & Beckie Menzie,
Katrina (Kat) Miller
Marilyn Maye
Los Angeles
Neile Adams, Alison Freeman, Sammy Williams
Kit and McConnel, Miss Hope Springs
San Francisco
Steven Brinberg, Ann Hampton Callaway, Maye Cavallaro,
Freddy Cole, Spencer Day, Julia Fordham, Morgan James,
Jeremy Jordan, Storm Large, Melisssa Manchester,
Faith Prince, Jarrod Spector, Bobby Conte Thornton,
Lillias White, Wesla Whitfield & Mike Greensill
St. Louis
Khnemu Menu-Ra & Antonio Rodriguez
Washington DC/Maryland/Virginia
Laurette Hankins-O’Connell
CD Reviews
David Benoit featuring Jane Monheit: 2 in Love
Kurt Elling: Passion World
Eric Michael Gillett: Careless Rhapsody: The Heart of Lorenz Hart
Dusty Limits: Grin
Mark Nadler: Runnin’ Wild: Sin Songs from the Jazz Age
B.J. Ward & Donn Trenner: Double Feature: Love Songs from the Movies
Cover Photo—Julie Budd: Bill Westmoreland
Cover Photo —Gabrielle Stravelli: Kevin Alvey