Betty Buckley
Dark Blue-Eyed Blues
Joe’s Pub, NYC, May 31, 2015
Reviewed by Ron Forman for Cabaret Scenes
Nobody sounds quite like Betty Buckley, and I have never heard her sound better than she did in her Dark Blue-Eyed Blues show at Joe’s Pub. The still very beautiful Buckley has complete control of the stage, and her remarkable acting ability makes it virtually impossible to take your eyes off of her own twinkling eyes. Despite the title, this was not a “blues show,” but instead was a great chanteuse charming the audience.
After opening with “Do Nothin’ Till You Hear from Me,” Buckley’s voice soared.
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Her facial expression captivated with “This Nearly Was Mine.” One great chanteuse paid homage to another, when Buckley performed Edith Piaf’s “La Vie en rose” in English and French. The seldom-performed verse of “Spring Is Here” particularly showed off Buckley’s talent as an actress. A very funny story about being traumatized in the third grade led into her only “bluesy” number of the evening, “Blues in the Night,” which included an amazing solo by Oz Noy on guitar. A moving commentary about her experiences after 9/11 preceded “Too Many Memories.
” Buckley reminisced about Elaine Stritch before emulating Stritch’s performance, belting “I’m Still Here,” as her finale. Buckley’s encore: “Both Sides Now.”