American Songbook Association launches
Music Opens Doors
The American Songbook Association (ASA) has launched its capital campaign, Music Opens Doors, to raise funds for its Education & Outreach Program. This program brings music to the under-served schools in the five boroughs of New York City as well as to schools in Chicago. The program is under the guidance of Carolyn Montgomery, who is supported by Education Departments in both cities. The NYC department consists of Anna Anderson, Aaron Lee Battle, Patti Bottino-Bravo, Yasuhiko Fukuoka, Eric Yves Garcia, Joanne Halev, Michael Kirk Lane, Tracy Stark, Deborah Stone, and Ann Talman. The Chicago department consists of Carla Gordon and Kevin Wood.
Pleas consider making a donation to help support our efforts to bring the American Songbook into the public schools.
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American Songbook Association
PO Box 1594
Cathedral Station
New York, NY 10025